The Strange: Going Bump in the Night – AVLYST

Tidspunkt: 11/11/2023 - 13:31 - 18:30

  • Arrangør: Henrik Lerdahl
  • Ingen forhåndskunnskaper nødvendig
  • Antall påmeldte: 2



The Agency is a secret group that exists to monitor and regulate travel between earth and the alternate realities known as “Recursions”, most of which are originally born from fictions and stories leaking into the cosmos.

The players are a team of field operatives working for The Agency, who have the power to go from world to world, and genre to genre.And whenever they enter a new world, they change to fit what that world is like. They might wear capes and fly across the skies of Metropolis, they might swing a light saber in a Galaxy Far Far Away, or they might wield a wand at a wizard school.

And right now, there might be all sorts of creatures and spookiness going on, from werewolves and vampires to politicians and celebrities. Someone has to deal with things.

Don’t cross the streams. Don’t wear a red shirt. Don’t read the Necronomicon. Don’t touch the green glowing rocks. Don’t go into the long grass.

(“The Strange” uses the Cypher System. It is VERY easy to learn, and this story is made to be welcoming to both entirely new players as well as experienced veterans)


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